
Vibrant Commercial Centers

Anchored with 30+ Years Experience

Thoughtful planning and development ensure commercial centers are continually vibrant and vital to the community. Today more than ever, shoppers want diverse experiences in spaces where they are able to dine, shop, and have fun in one-stop.

At Brown Group, we consistently focus on the unique needs of the local customer base. We are high touch in every step of the process from site selection and planning to design and construction. Our belief is to build projects that will add value to the community today and for years to come.

Nothing can
outweigh experience

From small towns to downtowns, every project requires fresh thinking and vision. The Brown Group has been instrumental in the successful development of a wide range of projects.


Successful shopping centers developed


Leased tenants


Total square footage planned and developed


Total Project Costs / Investment

Development History:

With roots beginning in the 1990’s developing shopping centers, the Brown Group has excelled over the past three decades. They have thrived amid changing real estate cycles and economic environments.